sound designer.


Fiction, Feature Film, 87′ 5.1 CZ.
Location Sound & Post Production, 2019-2020.
Directed by Gem Deger, produced by The LAB - a media production company.
More info here.

"When a teenager finds himself caught in a glitchy-glitzy reality with his onscreen male idol, he does all he can to be possessed by this man and ignore the violent clues of how he got there."

This film explores several layers of cinematic artifice. Careful not to spoil the story - there's two distinct approaches to the sound-design. Mostly it operates in a mode of exagerated kitsch, and sometimes in a cold and chaotic naturalism.

The score (which can be heard below) was mostly made on synthesizers that were programmed to be incredibly wonky and unruly. The pitch of the notes depended on how hard I would press the keys so it was nearly impossible to play in tune. The synthesizers achieve stability only occasionally where clarity is reached in the film.

Poster for Gem Deger's film Playdurizm